importance in a flash
There are a million decisions in the life of a creative entrepreneur. One of the more-overwhelming areas is what equipment is or isn’t worth investing in.
Sure, Youtubers have plenty to say on almost every piece of technology new and old. But you never can tell for sure whether their input has been financially invested towards a brand’s interest.
That’s why you should always run a choice, both big and small, by a colleague or friend.
I began my business in Denver, Colorado not knowing a ton about the equipment involved in the act of photography.
So I asked someone who wasn’t necessarily a close friend, but enough of a relationship existed. I needed her advice on how important a flash is in the portrait making process.
Following her emphasizing that it was second to only the camera in importance, she said if she started over she'd have invested in a Profoto flash in the beginning.
Thankfully, I had the means to do so. And now I understand the worth - I can take photo after photo using the Profoto D2 and almost never have to wait for the flash to recharge. This allows my workflow to progress smoothly without a pause in the momentum.
Pauses run the risk of snapping a client out of a positive headspace, which photographers often have to work with clients to get them there.
So do your research, ask questions, and read answers. It’s all here.